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This package aims at helping students enhance their knowledge of Physics, chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and equip them with the skills required to succeed in any of the competitive examinations.

Each chapter in the book is divided into five parts namely, concept, practice sheet, extra edge, previous competitive questions and self practice test.

Our flow of the content goes with 'concept' which is explained with definitions and explanations of fundamental principles, further aided with illustrative examples required to understand the concepts and learn their applications and is followed by practice sheet. 'Practice sheet' is divided into two parts, namely, conceptual practice sheet and competitive practice sheet. Conceptual practice sheet contain minimum of 4 types of conceptual understanding questions under the headings......

  • a. Fill in the blank Type:
  • b. True/ False Type:
  • c. Conceptual Reasoning Type:
  • and competitive Practice sheet contain a minimum of15 questions of IIT-JEE pattern under the headings......
  • a. Single Response Answer Type:
  • b. Assertion and Reasoning Type:
  • c. Linked Comprehensive Type:
  • d. Multi Response Answer(s) Type:
  • e. Match the following/ Matrix Matching:
  • f. Subjective Type:
  • g. Integer Answer Type:

  • Each chapter ends with Extra Edge and previous competitive questions. Each Extra Edge and previous competitive questions consists of IIT-JEE pattern questions of a higher level of difficulty. These questions help the students to apply the multiple concepts that they havelernt. In addition to this each chapter ends with self practice test. Self practice test contain a minimum of 10 questions of the previous competitive examinations so as to make the student aware of the standard and approach.

    Hints and solutions for all questions of these Practice sheets have been provided at the end of the chapters in order to help students solve these questions.

  • Some silent features of the book are:
    1. It follows strictly the latest syllabus of SSC,CBSE,ICSE and integrated the three syllabus.
    2. To facilitate easy and better understanding each chapter is divided into a number of sub concepts with practice sheets.
    3. Each concept starts with learning objectives to make the students aware of what they are going to learn.
    4. The problems given in the book avoid tedious calculations and help in strengthening the understanding of basic principles honing the faculties of thinking and reasoning.
    5. Each 'concept' contains important points at the end. It reviews the main points covered and helps the students in remembering them.
    6. Hints and solutions for all questions of these Practice sheets have been provided at the end of the chapters

  • For each stream we provide the following volumes.
  • SubjectsNO.OF BOOKS
    6th class7th class8th class9th class10th class
    Total Books77777
    PRICERs. 3300/-Rs. 3300/-Rs. 3600/-Rs. 3600/-Rs. 3600/-

  • IIT-JEE & NEET Foundation Olympiad package no.of periods required per week given below table:
  • SubjectsNo.of periods per week
    (Each period - 45 mins)

  • Programme duration :
  • June mid to Jan ending for VI to IX classes
  • June mid to November ending for X class.
  • Conducting the weekly one test.

  • Providing yearlong Macro schedule and micro Schedules for all classes in every subject.
  • Providing Training to teachers by IIT Expert faculty.
  • Providing yearlong assessment and key for every class in every topic.
  • Consistency in doubts clarifications to teachers through phone or email.